Sunday 26 June 2011

Watch True Blood Season 4 Online Live Stream

Watch True Blood Season 4 Online Live Stream

True Blood returns to HBO for its fourth season tonight, picking up a week after HBO’s new show, A Game of Thrones ended its first season. Boomtron has been keeping you up to date on casting developments ever since True Blood’s third season ended, along with all of the promos, posters, and trailers including being able to watch the first 8 minutes of tonight’s premiere, titled “She’s Not There”. Recently we’ve even had some True Blood season 5 bits creeping in the newswire, with show creator Alan Ball’s participation after this season being a hot topic, along with casting addition of Scott Foley for both this and possibly next season. Just as a note, all of these clips at TV Line lead in with the exact same promo but rest assured they do get to different teasers. You can check out all four HERE. Remember, if you need to brush up on what go you up to this point, HBO has also released a 5-minute catch-up to get you primed and caught up for tonight!

Oh, and heads up True Blood fans! The Boomtron podcast’s feature weekly review will be of True Blood episodes, as Elena, Rachel and revolving guest flip from being Ladies of Ice and Fire to Bon Temps Bloodsucking Beauts’. Be on the lookout for them, give them a listen, and please share your opinions!

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