Friday 8 July 2011

Watch Shuttle Launch Online Free Live Streaming

Watch Shuttle Launch Online Free Live Streaming

This schedule was prepared from various and partly discordant Nasa and other sources, so it should be taken with appropriate care. Actual launch dates are set at the Flight Readiness Review held about two weeks prior to launch.

International Space Station (ISS) flies in an orbit inclined 51.60 degrees to Earth's equator (as did Mir), while the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is in a 28.47 degrees inclined orbit.

* This list is intended to succeed Bob Waterman's Shuttle Launch schedule which exists no more.
* Unofficial Shuttle Launch Schedule -- Full List by me
* For reference, see this schedule as of February 2, 2003.
* International Space Station Flight Schedule (including Soyuz, Progress and European ATV)
International Space Station Assembly Flight Schedule (chronological order; including Russian Proton and Soyuz flights)
ISS Viewing Times - Tucson, Arizona - Paris, France - Munich, Germany
* Nasa's Space Station future mission schedule including the last Space Shuttle flight
NASA's Shuttle and Rocket Launch Schedule
* Past Shuttle Launches list (format of this list) - Early Pre-Shuttle U.S. Human Flights
* Constellation Missions: Future Orion and Altair spacecraft, old unofficial preliminary flight schedule
* Steven Pietrobon's shuttle page, part of his Space Archive
* KSC's current year Shuttle and all (mixed fleet) launch schedule
* KSC's current Shuttle Status Report
* Space Shuttle Online! Direct link to the Space Shuttle
* Nasa's Return To Flight web coverage
* Space Calendar (Nasa JPL)
* Spaceflight Now: Worldwide Launch Schedule

* Unfortunately, the following site (formerly Florida Today's Space Today) has partly degraded (with commercial ads, slow applets, and less coverage into the future) since it has been taken over by, so can now only be recommended with limitations: Next Rocket Launches (Shuttle and others, including international) and current launch schedule. See spaceflight.

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